Trauma-Informed Care: Supporting Survivors in the Perinatal Period


our next circle of wisdom will be coming soon

As a birth worker, you are already supporting trauma survivors giving birth. 1 in 3 women experience childhood sexual abuse. Countless more come into pregnancy with histories of sexual, physical, and emotional trauma; many have experiences of miscarriage, loss, or birth trauma. These numbers can feel overwhelming, but there is so much that can be done to ensure every person giving birth feels safe, respected, and heard. And there is already so much experience and wisdom in the birth community to be shared.

In this workshop Justine Leach, Ph.D. B.A.C.E., and Sarah Adelman, M.A., M.Ed. facilitate a circle of wisdom through an interactive learning and a lively discussion on

  • What is trauma and how is it held in the body

  • The impact of trauma throughout the perinatal period

  • How to support survivors during pregnancy, birth, and postpartum

  • How to help someone plan an emotionally safe birth 

  • Self-care and vicarious trauma

Ease some of the heaviness surrounding experiences of trauma and birth, and find companionship with fellow perinatal professionals who truly "get it," by joining us for this unique four hour experience designed to enhance your confidence in your ability to provide trauma-informed care to your clients.